lördag, maj 24

Biker gangs Hochelaga, bra film om MC krig. Punkslusk blir lurad in i gäng, får väst, båge och pistol

Inte en Dokumentär om kriminella men väl en film med glimtar och i vissa bitar verklighetsanknytning. Kille med dålig papparelation hänger med sina polare på punkfester, tar syra, rånar och röker på. Ett bikergäng ( kan vara HA ) behöver en nyttig idiot för ett Bikermord eller två. En bra film som alla med 1% eller 2% drömmar bör se, ingen ide att fortsätta drömma om ni inte är medvetna vad som kan krävas.

Kul när gänget rycker av ett gäng sina västar, kul när den nya killen får sin väst. Snyggt klubbhus. Lite mycket LSD-blaj bara men i övrigt bra. Jo kul hur dom tar tag i det där med att killen har en mesig hoj och hur dom fixar ny hoj åt den nya killen filmen handlar om

Marc is a young offender who doesn't realize that he figures in the plans of a powerful criminal organization: the Dark Souls biker gang. The Dark Souls need new blood, warriors who can pursue the merciless war being waged against the Devil's Soldiers. Marc is recruited by the gang, and so undertakes his initiation into the closed world of criminal biker gangs, where life and death are intimately tied, where members leave their very souls at the organization's altar. Events move quickly, and something happens which Marc doesn't understand. He is deeply disturbed by the murders around him, as he is by a series of nightmares which seem to forecast his own horrible death. The ordeal of his initiation forces him to search deep within himself until it is time for him to make the ultimate decision.
Production Status: Released
Genres: Drama, Thriller and Crime/Gangster
Running Time: 2 hrs. 11 min.

Set among Montreal\'s warring biker gangs, \"Hochelaga\" is a gritty pic about a young man\'s initiation into this violent milieu. The bloody conflict in Quebec between the local Hell\'s Angels and bitter rival gang the Rock Machine, which has cost nearly 200 lives over the past decade, is ripe material for drama. But writer-director Michel Jette\'s treatment of the material is oddly lackluster, failing to provide an original point of view and ineffective on the action level. Thanks to its straight-from-the-front-page feel, however, \"Hochelaga\" has captivated auds on its home turf in Quebec since its Sept. 1 release following its preem at the Montreal Fest, taking in just under C$400,000 ($270,000) after 17 days in theaters. Pic will be one of the top grossers in Quebec this year but looks to be more of a small-screen item internationally.M

Marc (Dominic Darceuil) is a small-time hood who pulls off corner-store heists with his pals Nose (Jean-Nicolas Verreault) and Bof (Michel Charette). This not-so-dynamic trio runs into trouble with the Dark Souls, a thinly fictionalized version of the Hell\'s Angels, when they rip someone off on Darks territory. But after roughing them up in the bathroom of a punk-rock club, Dark Souls member Hulk (Ronald Houle) decides to recruit Marc. One of the central credibility problems here is that Marc is way too clean-cut to be part of this milieu.

It turns out that Marc\'s mother (Michele Peloquin) was closely tied to the biker scene in her youth. When she learns that her son is drifting into the Darks\' orbit, she warns him off and sends her old friend and former biker Popeye (Paul Dion) to try to convince Marc to stay away from these violent criminals. But Marc is fascinated by the strange rites and rituals of the Dark Souls community, and he agrees to take part in a number of increasingly nasty acts in order to become a full-fledged biker. In a well-worn plot development, his former mates Nose and Bof take it badly when he dumps them to join the Darks, and Nose\'s frustration is what spurs the bloody finale.

Story unfolds with little dramatic punch, the action sequences are less than exciting, and pic overstays its welcome by at least 20 minutes. It\'s hard to believe that a major gang like the Dark Souls would adopt Marc so easily, and it\'s equally difficult to understand why Marc would take so lightly the decision to join a murderous biker clan.

Other than making a brief comparison to the rituals of native Indians, Jette doesn\'t offer much insight into what makes the bikers tick. By attempting to avoid both outright condemnation and glorification of the gang, Jette ends up saying not much of anything at all.

Darceuil has little presence as Marc, but supporting thesps fare better, notably Verreault as the tormented would-be biker Nose, Deano Clavet as the Machiavellian Dark Souls boss Tattoo and Patrick Peuvion and Dion as a pair of seen-it-all biker veterans. Soundtrack is, appropriately enough, filled with metallic hard-rock riffing.

Vill ni se när dom tar bort klubbgaddningen med osthyvel? Längd: 16:50 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1lg3a_hochelaga-montage_creation
Tanka: Ha tålamod och seeda sen!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Seeda seeda, eller om någon har filmen, lägg upp en ny e ni bussiga

  2. Helt jävla galen film. Tack!

    Gillar den äldre bikern och hur han hanterar problemen, även den långhåriga som inte har full rygg men gör ett bra jobb och har full rygg i slutet av filmen.


